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Increase sales opportunities by using the right marketing strategy With the right solution for the automotive business

Challenges in the digital world 71% of automotive consumers search for product and service information on Social Media before making a purchase decision

Our Way


Business analysis and choosing the right platform for online advertising 

helps the business to meet the objectives and needs of customers, such as creating brand awareness or generating sales, etc. by using Value Proposition and key wining in communication to penetrate the automotive industry market


Reaching right target audience within the automotive industry.

Research for the keyword of the target audience and analyze logic that is related to the interest and behavior of the target group. For instance, Metrosexual tend to give interest in luxury and technology. By doing such, it enables us to further build the ‘Audience Target’ in advertising campaign. 

Our Success

V-Cool Group Thailand

V-Cool Group Thailand, importer and distributor of automotive heat control film, aims to gain wide-range reputation and increase distribution channels in Social Media  "To achieve such, NIPA team has been taking place in all of our Online Marketing channels, assisting to increase online sales and builds our brand awareness via online platform."


The number of “VK10” search has significantly "VK10" increased.


Budget per result has reduced.

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