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Real Estates
Real Estates

Real Estates

Meet the right target group by using the right strategy with the suitable solutions for real estate

71% of consumers in Thailand 

search for information about real estate products and services on Social Media before making a purchase decision. So, the Sale Gallery becomes the last option for these customers. 

Our Way


Bringing the experience gained from visiting the project to create life. 

So that those who do not have a chance to visit the project can perceive the same experience by using the advertising strategies 

in order to stimulate certain decisions such as registration etc.


Creating campaigns to reach target groups 

with content that responds to consumer behavior and differentiate brands through online platforms 

in order to create a trend and interest for real estate products.

Our Success

Novel Ratchapruek

Novel Rachapreuek approached us with the requirement of finding more 100 Leads via Facebook within 1 month under the idea of “Rachapreuek is the area that reflects the image and the character of the new generation”   


Leads within 1 month

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